The story of the game follows the player's character on a journey to reach the last remaining bastion of humanity, Eden. In a world devastated by war and chaos, the protagonist must battle through a series of increasingly challenging stages, each filled with enemies and bosses, to ultimately reach the mythical sanctuary.
The gameplay focuses on real-time combat and deck-building mechanics. Players choose from a selection of nine characters, each with unique abilities and playstyles, and build a deck of spells to use in battle. As they progress through the game, players collect more powerful spells and artifacts to enhance their decks, enabling them to adapt their strategy and overcome increasingly difficult enemies.
There are also branching paths and multiple endings, which add replayability and provide players with the opportunity to explore different outcomes based on their choices. The roguelite nature of the game means that each run is unique, with procedurally generated levels and random item drops.
One Step To Eden offers a multiplayer mode, allowing players to engage in both cooperative and competitive gameplay. In co-op mode, two friends can team up and work together to progress through the game, combining their unique characters and deck-building strategies to overcome the challenging stages and enemy encounters.
Key features:
Deck-building mechanics
Roguelite elements, such as procedurally generated levels and permadeath
Cooperative and competitive multiplayer
Branching paths and multiple endings
Minimal requirements
OS: Windows 7
Processor :Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 (2*1866) or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Storage: 1 GB available space